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3 Tips for a Successful Liposuction Recovery

Posted October 16, 2019 in Liposuction Recovery

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Getting liposuction is typically less intense than other forms of plastic surgery, but the procedure is still considered an invasive process that requires downtime.

Knowing what to expect can make a difference in how the recovery process goes. With three simple measures, patients can ensure healing goes off without a hitch—and get better results in the process.

Brief History of Liposuction

Liposuction rapidly grew in popularity after its start in the mid-1970s. Its surgical techniques only advanced with time, and it soon became known as the gold standard for sculpting body contours.

The American Society of Plastic Surgery (ASPS) now lists liposuction as the second top procedure performed in 2018, with growth that shows no signs of slowing down.

How Liposuction Works

Dr. Rey performs liposuction as an outpatient procedure using general anesthesia.

This before-and-after image set shows the effects of liposuction in smoothing a young woman's overall body contours.
This before-and-after image set shows the effects of liposuction in smoothing a young woman’s overall body contours.

Small incisions are made in target areas, where tiny tubes called cannulas are placed. The cannulas use suction to extract the fat.

Treatment time varies depending on the size and number of areas treated but typically lasts between one to three hours.

These three simple tips can help set patients’ minds at ease:

1. Take the Time to Rest

Most patients should be able to get back to work one week after surgery. Strenuous activities, however, will have to be avoided for at least four weeks after the procedure.

Doing too much too soon can affect surgical sites and cause other complications. Putting your body through stress right after surgery will only impede the natural healing process and prolong your recovery.

Take the time you need to ensure your body heals as it needs to. Make sure you have plenty of help around the house and at work.

2. Prepare Healthy Meals in Advance

Be sure to keep eating right in the weeks before and after surgery. Enlist the help of a friend in prepping meals beforehand—that way, meals during recovery can be as simple as pulling a dish out of the fridge.

This before-and-after set shows the effect of liposuction in smoothing contours along a young woman's buttocks, hips, and thighs.
This before-and-after set shows the effect of liposuction in smoothing contours along a young woman’s buttocks, hips, and thighs.

Eating right simply boosts the body’s own healing properties. Foods high in antioxidants and nutrients can help combat inflammation, decrease swelling, and provide the energy your body needs to heal itself.

3. Pay Attention to Surgical Sites

Bruising, swelling, and inflammation will occur right after liposuction. Dr. Rey will provide a special compression garment that will help patients deal with discomfort and heal more quickly.

Be sure to follow all post-surgery instructions to keep surgical sites as clean as possible. If surgical drains are used, they will need to be cleaned and drained out. Complications during healing can affect results from surgery or even cause health hazards if not taken care of.

Taking care of incisions correctly during recovery often means scarring becomes less visible.

Interested in Learning More?

Schedule a consultation with Dr. Rey by calling our Beverly Hills office at 310-205-3107, our Orlando/Miami office at 407-493-8783, or by using our contact form.