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Breasts Fit for a Bikini

Posted May 17, 2016 in Breast Augmentation

Summertime is quickly approaching. As the weather warms up, people start showing off skin by shedding more clothing. Many will start heading out to the pool or beach to cool off, which means it is time to get out the bikini! Most people are not excited knowing bathing suit season is making its way here soon because their body may be out of shape or lacking a tan.

Breast Augmentation Before and After Although it may not be talked about too often, the breasts are a main reason many women are insecure about wearing a swimsuit and other summer fashions. If the breasts don’t fit right in a bikini or halter top, it is often because they are too small, asymmetrical, or lacking shape.

Many women may feel awkward or less attractive in certain fashions due to the appearance of their breasts. Unfortunately, the size and shape of the breasts cannot be changed with diet and exercise. However, the breasts can be surgically altered with breast augmentation to meet a patient’s individual goals and desires. Numerous women have found that the results of their breast surgery have helped them achieve a physique that makes them feel more confident wearing clothing that is more revealing.

Look Good in Your Bikini This Summer!

If you are in good shape, have realistic expectations, and want to change the shape or size of your breasts so you can fit better in your clothing, you may want to undergo breast augmentation surgery. Breast augmentation involves the use of implants placed into the breast pocket to create breasts that are more flattering to the entire physique.

Breast Augmentation Can:

  • Increase breast fullness
  • Improve the balance of your figure
  • Enhance your self-image

You can feel better in your bikini and other summer attire after undergoing breast augmentation surgery. With fuller, more shapely breasts, you can flaunt a bathing suit top that fits your breasts perfectly and complements your entire physique.

If you are interested in undergoing breast augmentation surgery, Dr. Rey is an experienced breast specialist. You can schedule your consultation by calling (310) 205-3107 or by filling out our online contact form.