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Why You Can’t “Spot Reduce”

Posted November 22, 2017 in Liposuction

woman grabbing skin on her upper arm with the drawing arrows, Lose weight and liposuction cellulite removal There has been a time when everyone has searched the internet for the right exercises to tone a specific area. Whether it is the abdomen, hips, arms, or thighs, you don’t want to do something that could affect the other curves you love. While it is an ideal notion that “spot reducing” through exercise is a definite way to tighten those exact unwanted pockets of fat, reality doesn’t always fall in line, and reducing localized fat is much easier said than done. In truth, there is only one surefire way to get the targeted results you desire, and that is through liposuction.

What’s Wrong With Exercise?

The answer is absolutely nothing. Regular exercise is a key part of maintaining a healthy lifestyle; however, it isn’t always the definite way to achieve your ideal results. Stubborn pockets of fat can accumulate for a number of reasons, and just about everyone has them. Consistent and targeted exercise can bring you closer to your desired appearance, but unfortunately, that alone cannot eliminate all of the unwanted fat pockets simply because these localized pockets do not respond to diet and exercise. To accurately remove stubborn pockets of fat, liposuction may be your best option.

Eliminating Stubborn Pockets of Fat Is Easy

Although liposuction is a surgical procedure, it is minimally invasive with a small chance of complications and scarring. Liposuction can be performed nearly anywhere on your body, including but not limited to your abdomen, thighs, arms, back, breasts, and hips. This is an outpatient procedure with a quick recovery—typically only a couple of days off of work will suffice.

Should You Consider Liposuction?

Your liposuction procedure will be personally tailored to fit your needs. You get to choose which areas you wish to see improvements in, and which areas you may want to leave as is. Although liposuction is localized fat reduction, it isn’t a weight loss program or technique. The results of liposuction are best when combined with a diet and exercise regime. Candidates should be healthy individuals who are at or near to their ideal weight and have realistic expectations of their results. When paired with a healthy lifestyle, you can get rid of all those pesky fat pockets for good.